Tag Archives: review

K-ON! (けいおん!)

30 May

The reason I got to know this anime is quite funny and embarrassing… I was reading an internet comic that was like a diary. The cartoonist talked about how he encountered a new anime called ‘K-ON.’ After reading his review on the anime, I got an interest in the anime and decided to watch it.

Yui is a cute little girl that is always losing things. She is very clumsy and her grades are very bad due to her clumsiness 🙂 . However she is extremely cute and adorable! She is my favorite character since she is “fluffy.” She loves cakes and sweets, while complaining that those are foods that make her fat. Although she is clumsy, she has a talent for music.

She first came into the light music club by accident. Well, after coming to high school, she thought she should get involved in some activity and roamed around the school. Then, the founder of the light music club dragged Yui into the club and convinced her to join the club by giving her cookies and cakes. Yui didn’t know how to play any instruments, but she decides to join the club and later, gains an interest in playing the guitar.

Ritsu is the founder of the club who convinced Yui into joining the club. She is a very boyish character who loves to make fun of Mio or Yui. Her energy is what sustains the club and holds the members together. Although she is the founder of the club, she doesn’t like to work and lounges around, eating cake and cookies.

She plays the drums, but doesn’t like to play it since drums don’t get as much attention as the guitars do (the drums usually stay at the back when performing). She loves to get attention and is very cheerful. I saw her improving her drum skills from the beginning and was very impressed at her initiative.

Mio is a quiet character who is very smart. She teaches Yui, since Yui’s grades are too low and is not allowed to take any clubs. I personally like Mio since she is shy and cute. Although Ritsu always plays with her hair and tells her scary stories, she doesn’t do anything but cry. Her vulnerability is what makes me go crazy!

Like her quiet personality, she plays the bass. Since she doesn’t want to be the center of attention, she chose to play the bass.

Mugi is the daughter of a rich businessman. That’s why she always provides the club with cookies, cakes, and teas. Yui complains to her that she is making her fat, but Yui enjoys the relaxing tea time that they have. Mugi is also very quiet and calm. However, she has cute sides to her. She joined the light music club because she wanted to get out of her ordinary elegant life.

She plays the keyboard, and is somewhat good at it. Well, frankly I don’t really like her as much as I do Mio or Yui. She’s too calm for me…

At first, I thought it was just another one of those “cute little anime about high school girls,” but as the story went on, I thought it was really an anime for me. I can only describe this anime as fluffy, cute, and warm 😀 .

AND! Here is the link for K-ON season 2!

I didn’t watch it yet because I promised I wouldn’t start watching a new anime until SAT Biology ended T_T Plus I don’t like starting new animes that are not finished (some of you who read my former post on Fairy Tail will know why)

Fairy Tail (フェアリーテイル)

30 May

No, I didn’t write the title wrong! I thought it was supposed to be spelled ‘Fairy Tale’ too, because tail is a tail and tale is like a story (don’t you agree?). It’s called ‘Fairy Tail’ because they wanted to go on an adventure that was as quizzical as the question “Do fairies have tails?” That is why the name of the guild and the name of the anime is ‘Fairy Tail.’

-Algebra class-

I was doing my classwork, but someone wasn’t. I can’t tell you his (oops! revealed the gender) name, but he was watching an anime in Algebra class (regardless the remote macbook desktop, he is bold!). I just caught a short glimpse of the clip he was watching and found out that it was an anime. It looked kind of amusing, so I asked him in Chemistry class (now you know that he has Chemistry and Algebra with me) what anime he was watching. He told me it was ‘Fairy Tail’ and recommended it to me, saying “If you like One Piece, you’d probably like this too.” I do watch ‘One Piece’ and enjoy watching it (although it went up to about episode 450. Dragging the story too much!) so I decided to watch ‘Fairy Tail.’

BUT! A problem: I decided not to watch animes that are not finished. It’s because I’m too impatient and I can’t wait a week for the anime to come out (I’m already getting tired of ‘Conan,’ ‘One Piece,’ ‘Bleach,’ ‘Hitman Reborn,’ and ‘Spooky Restaurant’)! So, I decided to watch only one episode. HOWEVER this anime was too fun to just quit! So now I’m waiting for Monday to come again for episode 32.

Lucy is one of the main characters. She’s really bright and happy all the time, but she can be gloomy when the subject on her father comes up. She may not seem like it, but she is a daughter of an aristocrat called Heartphilia. She runs out of her house because she doesn’t want to be the daughter of an aristocrat and wants to find her true self.

I don’t think she is a very strong magician, because when a fight breaks out, it is only Natsu, Grey, and Elja who fight. However, Natsu, Grey, Elja, Happy, and Lucy make up the strongest team in the Fairy Tail guild.

This key is what Lucy uses when she fights.

It can call out holy spirits like cancer, aquaris, nicola, holologium, and taurus. As you might have guessed, the guy above is cancer, who can cut the enemy’s hair and make them lose their morale.

Natsu is another main character who brought Lucy to the guild. They met in a small town where Lucy was being hypnotized by another magician, and Natsu was the one who saved her. Lucy explained that she wanted to get into the famous guild ‘Fairy Tail’ and Natsu invited her to become a part of the guild. He always accompanies a cat with a wing, whose name is Happy. Natsu found Happy’s egg when he was a child and believed him to be a dragon. Ever since, he always sticks with Happy, who helps him fight (Happy can actually fly!).

Natsu uses fire magic, and he is very strong. He can eat fire, which gives him power (after he eats fire, he always says “I’m energized!”). However, he can’t eat his own fire (well, to be logical, you can’t eat your own magic….) so he almost lost in a fight since he couldn’t eat fire and get energized.

He learned fire magic from Ignire, who is a dragon. I’m very surprised that a dragon could raise a child and resist eatting it!

Gray is another main character who uses ice magic. He learned his magic from a woman named Wool who lost her child. He always takes off his shirt due to the training that he got from Wool (she made him take off his shirt to make him get used to the cold).

He fought with Natsu from the first time they met and always fights with Natsu whenever he meets him (maybe because they’re ice and fire? haha). Although Gray is a quiet and serious character, he is considerate and caring although he doesn’t express it.

So how does the fight with Natsu and Gray end?

It ends with Elja stopping the fight. She is the strongest female magician in the guild and everyone in the guild is afraid of her (when Natsu and Gray heard that Elja was going to return to the guild, they panicked like chickens with their heads chopped off!). She can use sword magic and change her weapons and armory with her magic.

These five (including Happy) magicians make up the strongest team in the guild. It’s really fun predicting (and watching) what adventures they are going to go on next. Every episode is very fresh and fun! I recommend this anime to people who value friendship and likes animes related to magic!

To watch the latest episode of Fairy Tail, see the side bar of my blog!

Gintama (銀魂)

24 Apr

….?…..?…..? HUH??

Gintama….is….OVER?!?!?!?! What the…. -_- Oh My God. I know I’ve been too busy lately (AP Bio test on May 10th!!) going to hagwons and everything, but….. Gintama is OVER?!?!?

Well, these days I was kind of busy since I’m going to become a Junior next year. So I couldn’t watch animes lately…. But I didn’t expect Gintama to end like this! I thought they were kidding again (last time on episode 150, the characters announced to the viewers that it was the last episode since Sunrise- the sponsor- closed down. But it was all a joke…) and I didn’t believe that they were going to end!

Anyways…. It’s the end of Gintama….. Without Inuyasha and Gintama, I have only Reborn!, One piece, and Detective Conan to watch on Monday T_T And Bleach on Thursday. And Thriller Restaurant on Tuesday. (When I list it up, it looks like I watch too much, but time flies when watching animes 🙂 )

On episode 175, Gintama announced they were going to do a countdown until the end. They hid numbers on the title to imply the end is coming near. But, I didn’t (refused) to believe it, because I thought it was another one of their jokes. I didn’t know it was going to come true like this… It came so suddenly…..

Gintoki is the main character that is the boss of the troubleshooter team. He’s extremely funny and doesn’t seem like a leader from time to time due to his clumsiness. He loves to eat sweets, which gives him cavities (he practically goes to the dentist everyday). He always wears the robe with one arm out and always carries a wooden swoard with him, since he is a samuri.

In the world that Gintoki is living in, the aliens took over Edo (Japan), making it hard for samuris to survive, so practically Gintoki is the only “normal” samuri. Although he is funny and clumsy, he can be quite serious from time to time. This is when he fights for his friends or for his dignity. He tries not to cause any trouble, but doesn’t back off when he sees something wrong.

Shinpachi is the “tackler” in the troubleshooter team. He always talks back to other people and give Gintama a funny element. Gintoki and Kagura consider his glasses as the “real” Shinpachi. since he has no sense of existence (it’s funny how Gintoki and Kagura always ignores Shinpachi and talks to his glasses).

Although he might look nerdy, his dream is to become a samuri like Gintoki. That’s the reason why he joined the troubleshooter team. He lives with his older sister since his parents got killed by the aliens. He can be serious, but I can’t really tell when he’s serious since he is always serious….

Kagura is a girl from another planet who loves to eat. She eats all the rice in the cooker every meal and always complains to Gintoki that she’s hungry. She’s very nice and funny. Too boyish maybe, but she gets along with other people well. She has a Chinese accent (I don’t can’t even imagine a Chinese person speaking Japanese…), but she’s actually an alien that doesn’t like the sun (that’s why she carries the parasol, which can serve as a gun as well).

She joined the troubleshooter team because she was inspired by Gintoki. At the beginning, she was an assassin that killed for money (she wanted to earn money to eat…<< I would say a little pathetic…). She didn’t like the job and tried to get out of the assassin team, but they tried to kill her. So Gintoki, who was buying a comic book, helps her and offers her a job at the troubleshooter team.

There are a lot more characters like Toshiro, Sogo, Sadaharu, Gorilla, etc. They are extremely funny and I personally love Toshiro (he loves mayonnaise that’s why he’s eating it with rice;; DISGUSTING!) and Sogo!

I recommend this anime to people who are very familiar with Japanese anime or Japanese TV shows. Gintama parodies a lot of famous Japanese TV shows and makes fun of Japanese celebrities. So, it would be easier to understand if you were familiar with Japanese TV, but don’t worry if you’re not! When I first started watching, I didn’t know anything but still enjoyed it A LOT! Simply, THE FUNNIEST.

Inuyasha the Final

9 Apr

FINALLY! Inuyasha the Final has come to an end…. I longed for the ending of Inuyasha to come out. I saw the first season of Inuyasha when I was in 7th grade, and it was the first anime that I watched (it’s the reason why I became an otaku;;), so it really means a lot to me that I was able to see the final episode of Inuyasha.

I posted my last review on episode 25, which is one episode before the final episode. I wondered if Kagome would win the ball of wishes and if it would end as a happy ending. Indeed! As I expected (and as Janet told me), it did end as a happy ending: )

At first, I thought Kagome and Inuyasha didn’t resolve to marry each other, because at the beginning part of the episode, I saw them in their own separate worlds: Kagome in the 21st century, and Inuyasha in the old days of Japan. BUT! the author of Inuyasha knew that he would get scolded from the readers if he didn’t make it a happy ending. So it turned out to be that Inuyasha and Kagome meets each other later!

When I saw that the well, in which Inuyasha and Kagome use as transportations to each other’s world, was gone, I was very depressed and felt so gloomy (I’m too into Inuyasha…)! I was panicking, because I thought it was supposed to be a happy ending according to Janet. ‘Atlas! She has tricked me!’ is what came to my mind as I was watching.

I felt more and more sorry for Inuyasha as the episode proceeded, since Sango and Hoshi resolved to marry each other. Sango gave birth to three children and they were living happily as a family, and Inuyasha was watching them with envy. He looked so gloomy and solitary without Kagome…..T_T

Also, Kagome wasn’t really enjoying her life. After all, she should’ve missed her family much since she was with Inuyasha’s world for over 4 months! However, she didn’t seem so happy when she returned and wanted to see Inuyasha even when she was with her family.

Anyways, I’m very glad that Kagome and Inuysha resolved to a happy ending 🙂

Elfen Lied (エルフェンリート)

7 Apr

WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! It’s rated 19 for a reason! It will give you a huge trauma! This anime is violent and is inappropriate for people that are repulsed easily by gruesome scenes! Please, if you are one of those people, don’t read this post and sue me, because I warned you!

I don’t remember, but it was club time when I first saw this anime (shhhhhh, it’s supposed to be a secret, but the chess club was so boring! I had nothing to do and I had to keep myself awake and I only watched one episode….). Actually, my friend was watching it and I asked him what anime it was. He answered me “Elfen Lied.” At first, I was like “what?” because Elfen Lied is actually German. It means ‘the song of the elves.’ Frankly, I don’t see how this anime can be called “the song of the elves” since it’s really violent, gruesome, and gory.

Well.. There are scenes such as this….

and this…

and this…

So, why is it called “Elfen Lied?” Well, the main characters are all ‘diclonius.’ Diclonius is a new species that looks like a human, but has horns on their head. They are very violent and has special powers, like having multiple arms and legs.

Lucy is one of the main characters, who is a diclonius. She escapes from the laboratory and while she does that, her head is wounded and her personality splits into two (DUALITY! Makes me thinks of Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde for some reason….), which is Lucy and Nu.

Nu is the good version and Lucy is the violent version. The reason why Lucy is so violent is because she was excluded from everybody because of her physical appearance when she was a child.

However, the other main character, Kouga, was very nice to her and treated her like a normal person. Lucy began to open up to him, but there was this one incident where Kouga lied to Lucy.

This made her very angry and she killed Kouga’s family and traumatizes Kouga, making him lose his memory.

The background of Lucy is very complex, as well as the origin of her violent personality. Elfen Lied is very philisophical that it deals with the duality of a person (or diclonius I should say…) and the violence of human beings.

The immoral side of human beings is shown with the people in the laboratory, who are experimenting with dicloniuses to find out their abilities and the level of violence.

Also, we can see the violence of the diclonius and the duality that people possess through Lucy’s violent actions.

Elfen Lied ranks one of the top animes I’ve watched in my life, and I really hope you watch it! It could be quite repulsive for those of you that don’t like to watch other people’s head falling off….. HAHA : )

P.S. Here are some more gruesome scenes if you want to get a sense of how bloody the anime is …. But I doubt any of you would want to watch it… 😛

Inuyasha Episode 25 (SPOILER!)

24 Mar

WARNING WARNING WARNING! This post is a spoiler, so if you didn’t watch Inuyasha episode 25 yet, don’t read this post! It will ruin the fun!!

–Now for people who don’t have time to watch episode 25, or have watched it–

EPISODE 25 WAS A BLAST! It kind of sums up the fight with Naraku, but we still have one more episode left. So the remaining conflict is: Kagome vs. the ball of wishes

Finally! Naraku dies and the spell that was on Hoshi disappears. Meaning, the black hole that was on his right hand disappears! Meaning, he can marry with Sango and have children and don’t have to worry about getting sucked into the black hole (like his father did T_T<< sad I know.).

It seems like they should celebrate Narku’s death… BUT! Kagome gets sucked into the black hole (nothing to do with the black hole on Hoshi’s hand) due to the last wish of Narku! What did Narku wish for? THAT! we can (might) find out on the next episode! <<AHA! A cliffhanger I see!

And this is poor Inuyasha trying to save Kagome…T_T

<< He’s quite obsessed with protecting Kagome especially after Kikowu’s death;; Probably because he doesn’t want to lose another girl that he likes, but he is kind of a player! I mean liking Kikowu and Kagome at the same time!! Plus he didn’t really care if Kagome was around when he was kissing and hugging Kikowu! Why do you care now, huh Inuysha? -_-

Well… that was my personal thought right there;; Sorry if it was distracting:)

After Kagome’s disappearance, an old lady notices that the well is missing! (The well is what connected Inuyasha’s world from Kagome’s world) Meaning Kagome might not come back to Inuyasha’s world!!!! So, Inuyasha decides to follow Kagome and opens up the black hole with his sword and jumps in. <<He might not come back as well since the black hole is a “black hole” and people don’t usually come back when they go in;;

Anyways… He tries to save her but fails… T_T and Kagome is sucked into her original world (21st century). Everything seems normal and everything seems like they’ve returned to their original state. However, Kagome feels like there is something missing. <<She’s right! This world wasn’t the 21st century, but an illusion created by the ball of wishes!

So Kagome notices she’s not in her world, and that she is actually in the black hole. She meets the ball of wishes (which she thought that she destroyed) and the ball of wishes lures her into making a wish.

Poor Inuyasha struggles to save Kagome….

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The Wallflower (ヤマトナデシコ七変化♥)

16 Mar


I do not get why this is called “The Wallflower” cause it’s really not a suiting title;; Well apparently the translators screwed something up and translated the title really wrong! If you translate ヤマトナデシコ七変化 literally, it’s supposed to be “Weird girl Sunako” or something like that.

Setting aside my disappointment for the translators (whoever they are -_-), the best way to understand and enjoy this animation is to look at the characters. Here we go…

  • Kyouhei Takano : former “bad boy” causing a lot of trouble because of his beauty XD

  • Takenaga Oda : living is structured and thinks mechanically, but has a warm heart

  • Yuki Toyoma : the cutest of the four! Doesn’t enjoy dressing up like a girl, but everyone insists. Always the one crying

  • Ranmaru Morii : the “player”

AWYEAH  this is what I’m talking ’bout! I mean can you stop yourself from becoming like this?

Sunako always gets a nosebleed when she sees the "bright organisms" in the eye...

Well, Sunako is “supposed” to be the main character (I guess), but look at the four guys! Sunako is the luckiest girl EVER to be surrounded by them! I mean she should seriously thank her aunt for sending her to live with the guys.

But what does she do? The title kind of implies… I mean the “weird girl sunako” one, not “the wallflower” one… Sunako is a really queer one actually. She’s gothic and shows symptoms of a hikikomori. Well, I guess she is a hikikomori (definition from Claire’s dictionary: a person who sticks herself/himself into her/his room and never comes out. Always watches videos that are “otaku-ish” and doesn’t have any friends. By-the-way refer to the “Def. of Otaku” post if you don’t know what otaku means :D).

-Actually, she has many “forms“…-

  • Form 1: Hikikomori ver.

She's watching a horror movie, so you might not want to bother her at the moment.... OR ELSE....

  • Form 2: Pretty ver.

She is actually quite pretty when she turns into this form, but it's just that she doesn't like to become a "lady-like" lady. There is a whole episode that talks about why she becomes so gothic and hikikomori-ish.

  • Form 3: Gothic ver.

This is the usual Sunako when she is outside of her room (very rare case!). She doesn't like the sun -she thinks it's going to melt her;;- and doesn't like to go outside of her room.

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Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion (コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュ)

28 Feb

Code Geass Contemplation

Being a huge fan of Japanese animation (anime for short), I was bored after I finished watching all the anime I planned to watch. I was just on msn and asked Hyun to recommend me animes that are fun to watch. He’s a guy and all, so it’s only natural that he watches “guy” animes- not a real big fan of those.


After watching Code Geass, scratch everything out that I said about “guy” animes!! HOLY MOLY this is GOOD, I mean SOOPER DOOPER GOOD!

To get a quick idea what this is about, watch the trailer below!

Yes, I know. I bet some of you girls didn’t even bother to press the play button. That was the same reaction I showed when he recommended me this anime. But seriously. If you didn’t watch this, don’t even think about hating it (or loving it even).

Well, when I first pressed the play button, I was like…. “what the….” I seriously wanted to turn it off. Still, I didn’t want to judge a book by its cover so I kept on watching. And after watching one episode, I don’t remember what happened. It was 2o’clock in the morning when I realized that I finished watching the first season of Code Geass! Yes, there are flying robots and guns and war and some more “guy” stuff, but it was very touching and interesting.

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